Thursday, July 10, 2008

4th In Utah

He's made of copper, I'm made of Iron. I AM IRON MAN!
Dude get your noodle out of my face.

Little Tess Baby Blessing

It was him officer!


The French Family said...

Iron Man, huh? Well looks like you had a good time in Utah! It's always nice to have the fam get together! I can't believe how big both Allison and Ayden are. They are both so cute - your one lucky uncle. In fact, I bet if you asked Jill or Jena they'd let you barrow one of the gals so you can catch a lady for yourself. Humm...? something to think about. Ü

Anthony and Rachel Orme said...

Well those are some great pics. I wish we were around for the 4th cuz it would have been fun to get together. Maybe next time.

Nicole Bori said...

haha you says iron i say white boy.. lol jk u look nice! i cant wait to see you again!!!