Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Popped The Question

Nikki and me got engaged Nov. 16th
We've been dating for 5 months
She's been baptized since mid September
So September 2009 is the assumed marriage time.
(unless of course the church changes its policies)


THE RAY'S said...

congrats!! I cant wait for the Wedding! (I bet you cant either)

Ivan, Jenna, and Allison said...

Congratulations!!! Can't wait to meet her. How did you pop the question? Ivan doesn't answer the right questions.

The French Family said...

Hallelujah! You caught yourself a wife, did ya? She's pretty, a member, and she likes you - you did a really good job. Keep us posted with any more exciting news - except no babies until after the wedding please :o)

JessiLeigh said...

Congrats Adam! Nikki is a super sweet girl, we're happy for you!